Welcome to our new website. Intuitive and dynamic, the redesigned site is full of information about us and the theatres we design—showcasing our history, the work we’re doing now, and the exciting things to come!
You might have already noticed our new logo. We call it the “roundel”—it’s a symbol of our core design philosophy: bringing people together.
When telling stories by a campfire or watching street performers in a public square, at the very core of our nature is an impulse to gather around and look, laugh, smile, shout, and draw ourselves closer to the story.
That immediate, intimate human connection is the essence of dynamic theatre. It’s the reason we pull the audience together, wrap them around the stage, and bring them closer to the action and each other. It’s the foundation of our design philosophy.
We’ve drawn from nearly 60 years of experience of what makes great performance spaces—intimacy, density, flexibility, and simplicity—and infused those concepts into our new look!
Here’s what some of our team members are saying about our new look:
“I look at our logo and I see the arc of our history and the arc of our innovation. At every point of our nearly 60-year history, we’ve been innovators.”
– Michael Nishball
“Our work, and the success of our work, is always the result of collaboration. Whether it’s between us and the client, architect, or owner, truly great projects happen when we all join in to work together and bring our best ideas to the table and create something greater than the sum of its parts. Collaboration, that’s what our new logo means to me.”
– John Runia
“The essence of theatre is story-telling. Every story, every urban legend, and every history is part entertainment and part education. Those stories shape who we are. They link us to each other and to our communities. To design spaces where these stories take a physical form requires an intimacy that borders on familiarity—a natural gathering around a storyteller.”
– Mark Stroomer
“This is not an ego-driven occupation. Our work is all about listening to the client and getting to the core of what is really needed and how to help them turn their aspirations into reality. We create three-dimensional performance spaces that remind audiences why it is so important—and just how impactful it can be—to experience a live event. That’s what we consult on—the shared experience of gathering in one space together.”
– David H. Rosenburg
“Stories make us human. You don’t have to look hard through our personal and collective history to find instances where storytelling—whether fiction or non-fiction—is a catalyst for real change. We listen and we watch, and by doing that, we understand and empathize and grow. The stronger the connection between the audience and the storyteller, the better we understand. When you pull the audience in close, and they can look an actor in the eye and hear the trembling in their voice, that humanity moves from one person to another undiffused, raw, and direct. That’s how we design.”
– Scott Crossfield