Theatre Projects grows with the addition of three new colleagues: Assistant Project Manager Amanda Lee and Senior Consultant William Worm with Theatre Projects Lab and Sales & Marketing Assistant Alaina Boukedes with the Sales & Marketing team. All three join the New York team with fresh eyes and vast array of professional experience.
Amanda adds to Theatre Projects Lab with her project management skills and theatre background, specifically in costume design. The combination of these advantages results in Amanda understanding the needs of clients and their vision.
“Amanda is always pushing our design and development forward, she’s a great addition to the team,” says Associate Principal Brant Underwood.
Previously, Amanda was at Bismark Construction, beginning as a project engineer and then as an assistant project manager. This included handling high-value projects and maintaining relationships with all team members involved, which aids in nurturing Theatre Projects Lab.
“I’m excited to be in a creative space again, Theatre Projects seems like the best of both worlds,” says Amanda.
William’s previous work as a designer makes him the perfect addition to Theatre Projects Lab. The lab’s mission is about creative solutions and William’s thoughtful attention to detail is an asset for creating bespoke programs and spaces for clients. William excels with a hands-on approach to fabrication, product engineering and design coordination. With a collaborative spirit, William joins the tight-knit lab team.
From Brant Underwood, “Will has already proven to understand the needs of Theatre Projects Lab and I’m thrilled to see where we go from here.”
Before joining Theatre Projects, William worked as a project manager and furniture engineer with West Elm. He has designed architectural elements with Caliper Studio, fabricated and executed cross-media designs with Berland Design, and delivered major sculptural projects with Performance Structures.
From William, “I have a broad range of skills and a lot of that will come into play with Theatre Projects Lab; every day is different.”
Alaina rounds out the new additions with their experience in journalism and theatre. An unlikely pair, these two facets of Alaina’s career bring specific on-brand knowledge to the Theatre Projects Sales & Marketing team. Alaina has both front and back of house theatre knowledge and uses their Master’s Degree in Journalism to bring Theatre Projects copy to life.
From Head of Sales and Marketing Jeff Mitchell, “I am very excited to welcome Alaina to the Sales & Marketing team at Theatre Projects. Their background in theatre, art, graphic design, and journalism brings a welcomed fresh perspective that I look forward to incorporating into our work as we continue to highlight the expansion of services Theatre Projects offers our clients.”
Prior to Theatre Projects, Alaina worked in multiple spaces in the art world; from fine art appraisals to the top museums in the city.
“Being able to combine not only my passions but my professional studies is a dream come true. I already have so much trust from the team and I can’t wait to further develop the Theatre Projects brand,” says Alaina.
Above, pictured left to right: Amanda Lee, William Worm, Alaina Boukedes