Irish World Academy of Music and Dance
Limerick, Republic of Ireland
Ros Kavanagh Photographer
The facility houses two performance workshop theatres, the 200-seat Sionna Theatre and the 80-seat Tower Theatre. The Sionna Theatre has been designed as a musical laboratory, best suited to host dance performances, while the Tower Theatre is ideal for chant and voice performances. The building also includes a green room for performers, recording spaces, a researcher’s area, performance control rooms, music performance practical rooms and dance performance studios. These facilities have been designed to maximize natural ventilation in order to reduce the Academy’s long-term carbon footprint.
Ros Kavanagh Photographer
University of Limerick
DLB Cordier Architect
The Irish Chamber Orchestra, and Daghda Dance Company
- 200-seat multipurpose theatre
- 80-seat multipurpose theatre
construction type:
New construction
theatre type:
Auditorium design/seating, Dance venues, Flexible & studio theatres, School & academy
Theatre planning and theatre equipment design and specification
Ros Kavanagh Photographer