In a star-studded gala opening, The Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) welcomed celebrities, cultural ambassadors, and representatives from the design and engineering community into its freshly opened space last month. The center, housed in Mumbai’s new Jio World Centre, was filled with original music, theatre, and visual art across its multiple world-class venues. These diverse spaces seek both to celebrate Indian culture and to showcase global artistry at the highest level.
Along with partners TVS, Magnusson Klemencic Associates, BAi, Lighting Design Alliance, AECOM, ETC, Rose Brand, SERAPID, Wenger, WET, and many more, Theatre Projects supported in the design of this thrilling new space. The center’s breathtaking aesthetic takes inspirations from India’s rich heritage and complements the surrounding Jio World Centre, with its multiple community, cultural, retail, and residential spaces. In all, the facility features three performing arts spaces and a four-story art gallery.
The largest space, the Grand Theatre, is the most technologically advanced in India. It holds room for 2,000 guests while keeping proximity to the art paramount. Three levels and 18 boxes fill out the hall, which includes Dolby Atmos systems and lighting enhanced by over 8,000 Swarovski crystals. And future-minded, the stage and equipment are prepared to host major production from around the globe.
The Studio Theatre, though smaller, still provides plenty to be excited about. With a fully transformable space, unique wire tension grid, and a suite of features designed with sustainability and accessibility in mind, this venue can support a range of performances and seating arrangements while still providing a top-tier audience experience.
A hub for emerging and experimental work, the Cube is a 125-seat incubator also situated in NMACC. Designed to promote innovation and experimentation, this similarly flexible, but even more intimate laboratory will host a range of genres in a highly personal setting.